Forthcoming events
Added: 21st July 2024
Forthcoming Events at St John's in Shiphay 1. Monday Market in the Church every 1st Monday of the month.
2. Saturday 12th October "Living Parable of the Talents Auction" at 7pm in St. John's Church Hall, Cadewell Lane, Shiphay. We are raising money to support the church to remain part of the community. Come along and bid on great stuff and have fun too!
3. Harvest Festival Celebration Service at St. John's Church on Sunday 13th October at 10am followed by a buffet. Please bring donations for the local food bank if you are able to do so.
4. Confirmation Service Sunday 20th October with Bishop James at 10am.
Monday Market
Added: 24th June 2024
Monday Market dates for September, October and Novemer:
Monday 2nd September
Monday 7th October
Monday 4th Novemer
Delicious bacon rolls
Fresh home made cakes
Tea, coffee, a friendly chat, stalls, bric a brac. Come and see us!
Eco Church
Added: 27th October 2023
St John’s is hoping to gain Eco Church status but before we move towards this status it is important that we know why we are doing this! God has given mankind this beautiful world to look after and we must remember that God so loved THE WORLD that He gave his only son (John 3:16). We should perhaps look at our effect on this world as an act of worship and obedience.
So this month why not find 5 minutes and really look at something living! Jesus said “Look at the birds of the air” (Matthew 6:26) and “See how the flowers of the field grow (Matthew 6:28). As you look relax - be at peace - and ask yourself: “What is God saying to me?” How do we respond to God the creator of all living things.
Psalm 139:14 says: “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful”.
Jeff H
Community Larder
Added: 19th March 2020
Locally, the Torquay Community Larder will be open on Mondays and Fridays from 10.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. and the Larder aims to provide basic food parcels to those in crisis. Donations of food or money to buy provisions can still be dropped off at the Larder during opening times as usual.
Donations for the Larder can also be left at the church but please speak to someone so that we are aware of what has been given.
Pray too especially for our schools and hospitals and for the ministries of LiNX, Youth Genesis, TLG and the Torbay Hospital Chaplaincy.